Wanted: Mystery House Hosts

The 2025 Cookie Program is starting soon and Girl Scouts will be planning on participating in the Mystery House Activity. The Mystery House activity is a fun way to encourage Girl Scouts to go door-to-door during the Cookie Program.

If you would like to participate by being a Mystery House Host, please click the button below to submit your form.

Update: Online New Troop Cookie Coordinator Training Technical: Updates and Alternatives 

UPDATE: The previous technical errors below have been resolved.

We are aware of the technical challenges volunteers are experiencing with the online New Troop Cookie Coordinator training. Our team is actively collaborating with GSUSA to resolve the issue as quickly as possible. 

In the meantime, it’s not too late to sign up for one of the in-person or virtual Troop Cookie Coordinator training sessions listed below.  Registration can be found on the Council’s calendar

Tuesday, January 7, 2025 
Yorba Linda Program Center 
7:00 PM – 8:30 PM 
Wednesday, January 8, 2025 
GSOC Headquarters in Irvine 
7:00 PM – 8:30 PM 
Thursday, January 9, 2025 
Community United Methodist Church in Huntington Beach 
7:00 PM – 8:30 PM 
Saturday, January 11, 2025 
Virtual via Zoom 
10:00 AM – 11:30 AM 

Volunteers who have completed the online Experienced Troop Cookie Coordinator training and passed the knowledge check have fulfilled their training requirements. 

Additionally, online training resources for both new and experienced Troop Cookie Coordinators will remain accessible on gsLearn throughout the cookie program for reference and support. 

We sincerely appreciate your patience and understanding as we work to address this matter. 

This Thanksgiving We’re Thankful for YOU! 🍁

Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at Girl Scouts of Orange County! As we gather to celebrate and reflect, we’re especially grateful for our amazing Girl Scouts, families, and volunteers.

Getting Ready for Cookie Season
As we prepare for the 2025 Cookie Program, let’s take a moment to celebrate all the opportunities ahead. This cookie season, we’ll embrace possibility together, building skills, setting goals, and making a difference in our communities.

The upcoming weeks are a great time to check off your preparation list:

  • Complete the Cookie Caregiver training.
  • Set Cookie Goals with your Girl Scout.
  • Have your Girl Scout practice their pitch by sharing goals with friends and family.
  • Get familiar with the cookie lineup for 2025.
  • Looking for more resources? Visit gscookiesetc.org/cookies.

Cookie Program Fun Fact: Did you know? The Cookie Program, which is the largest girl-led entrepreneurial program in the world, allows troops and councils to deliver extraordinary experiences for Girl Scouts—sparking excitement, fostering connection, and guiding them as they navigate their journey. Cookie proceeds support incredible service projects and help ensure Girl Scouting remains affordable for all families.

Embrace Possibility by Volunteering at the Cookie Kickoff!

The 2025 Cookie Kickoff is just around the corner, and we need YOU to help make it a huge success! On Sunday, January 12, 2025, we’re kicking off the Girl Scout Cookie Program, and there are plenty of fun and rewarding volunteer opportunities for you to get involved in.

Volunteering at the Cookie Kickoff is more than just lending a hand—it’s about embracing possibility and helping Girl Scout entrepreneurs learn the 5 skills, connect with their community, and make the most of the upcoming Cookie Program. Whether you’re a seasoned volunteer or this is your first time, there’s a booth for you. Check out this year’s awesome booths!

How can you volunteer at the Cookie Kickoff? It’s easy! Register by clicking the button below.

2025 Cookie Kickoff Booths

Volunteer opportunities are for both Girl Scouts and adult volunteers.

Create a fun, interactive activity identifying who can make up a Cookie Team. Relate how working as a team helps a Girl scout and troop to achieve their cookie goals. Include Thanking your Team. Girl Focused.

Create a fun, interactive format where guests learn how to create a great list of customers to ask to buy cookies and how to contact them. Think out of the box! The list should go beyond the basics of family, neighbors and teachers. Incorporate how to find customers online.

Create a fun, interactive method for guests to learn what the 5 Skills are and how they apply to selling cookies. Guests should be able to discuss with their customers how experiencing the cookie program helps them become tomorrow’s entrepreneurs. Include Cookie Proceeds breakdown (chart) and Ethics. Money Management and Goal Setting are other stations in detail and while need to be included as the five skills, do not need to be focused on.

Teach guests how service can be incorporated into the Cookie Program. “Save some, Share Some, Spend Some.” Talk about how to use cookie money to help others. Teach guests what cookie share is and how it can increase your sales. Teach the adults how to record those sales/communicating to the TCC when there are Cookie Share sales. Also understanding the money with Cookie Share allocations.

Help guests learn to create a script for their sales pitch. Scripts should be tailored towards their level (ex. D/B, C/S/A, etc). Provide opportunity to record pitch at kickoff. Be prepared to create a Spanish version of the script. NOTE: Cookie Kickoff Committee will reach out to discuss previous lessons learned, review your station plan, and answer any questions.

Teach guests about what makes a better booth and why. Example: Have Girl Scouts set up a good booth using random things on the table that should and should not be at a booth. Demonstrate proper booth ettiquette. Ensure Girl Scouts understand you don’t have to have a ton of bells and whistles to have a great booth setup.

Teach girls marketing strategies and tips to promote your cookie business. Help girls create a selling plan (ex. 30 packages per week, 100 packages to family, 15 booths, etc).

Share information about the Digital Cookie app with Girl Scouts and Adults. Include what it is, how to use it, and any tips and tricks. For tips and tricks, consider having Service Unit vs Troop Cookie Coordinator vs Parent tips as well.

Cookie Training Dates!

Service Unit Cookie Managers and Troop Cookie Coordinator Volunteers can look forward to new training opportunities for the 2025 Cookie Program. Keep reading to learn more.

November 13, 2024: Service Unit Cookie Managers Training
Training for this role is mandatory, for both new and experienced volunteers. Registration for the training will be found on the GSOC calendar beginning November 1st. Please be sure to register to get further details prior to the training. 

Troop Product Coordinators (TCC) have many opportunities for trainings. TCCs will also be able to join “Cookie Chats“, a virtual open forum for questions. TCCs will have in person and virtual opportunities available for Training opportunities and Cookie Chats. Check out the flyer below for TCC training and Cookie Chat dates.

Get ready for the Cookie Program by getting your Troop set up for success!

The Cookie Program is a great time for Girl Scouts and their Troops to come together. Check out these easy tips on how to set up your Troop for success during the Cookie Program!

  • Make sure your troop is registered for Membership Year 2025​
  • Ensure your Troop Banking form has been submitted​
  • Recruit your Troop Cookie Team using the Create your Troop Cookie Support Team! flyer on gscookiesetc.org/cookies/forms​
  • Attend Troop Cookie Chat in November or December​
  • Hold a Family Meeting​
  • Submit Your Troop’s Initial Order of Cookies (Dec. 10, 2024)​
  • Participate in Troop Cookie Coordinator Training​

The Cookie Program begins on January 14, 2025!

Save the date: Service Unit Cookie Managers

Please save the date for the mandatory in-person Service Unit Cookie Manager training: Wednesday, November 13, 2024 at 7:00PM

Registration for the training will be found on the GSOC calendar beginning November 1st. Please be sure to register to get further details prior to the training. We can’t wait to see you all in person!

2025 Cookie Kickoff

Sunday January 12, 2025 10:00 AM PST – 2:00 PM

Join the Girl Scouts of Orange County Council on Sunday, January 12, 2025 for the Cookie Kickoff! Celebrate and join hundreds of sister Girl Scouts at a cookie rally to kick off a great cookie season. Learn about the Girl Scout Cookie Program.

Cookie Kickoff is for everyone: Juliettes, troops, leaders, families, caregiver/girl teams, & volunteers!

Cookie Kickoff Volunteers needed!

Girl Scouts and Adult Volunteers Needed! You can volunteer to be part of the 2025 Cookie Kickoff. You won’t want to miss out on this fun event! Become part of the Cookie Crew!

Click the link below to learn more about Cookie Kickoff volunteer opportunities. To be a volunteer at Cookie Kickoff, click the button below!

Cookie Kickoff Volunteers link

Last Day To Register: 12/18/2024 12:00 PM

Accommodations Requests? Please complete this form to initiate your request.

*Cookie Kickoff may be subject to change from in-person to virtual in the event of rain and/or based on any COVID-19 safety measures in place at that time. GSOC follows current  CDC  COVID-19 guidelines. Event participants will be notified is additional action is required.

This event accepts GSOC Cookie Dough, GSOC OC Bucks, and GSOC Juliette Dollars! Girls must complete online registration and pay in full. Then fill out the Reimbursement form prior to participating in the event. 

This is Cookie Kickoff guest registration for adult, girl and tag-along attendees only. 

**Please Note – this is not a drop off event. Girls must be accompanied by an adult who is also registered for the event.**