Family and friends play an important part in the Cookie Program. You champion your Girl Scout to help her succeed and meet all her entrepreneurial Cookie Program goals.
With the support, assistance, and encouragement of her family, there’s no stopping a Girl Scout! Your Girl Scout will learn skills along the way that she will use for the rest of her life.
Girl Scout Cookie Program: What Grown-Ups Need to Know Video
Coaching Your Girl Scout
- Read, agree to, and abide by the Girl Scout Internet Safety Pledge, the Digital Cookie Pledge, and the Supplemental Safety Tips for Online Marketing before engaging in online marketing and sales efforts through the cookie program.
- Review the Girl Scouts’ Safety Activity Checkpoints for Computer and Internet Use and Cookie and Product Sales.
- Review cookie materials together and visit Digital Cookie to set up your Girl Scout’s Cookie Program site.
- See FAQ’s page for more information.
- Ask questions—pretend to be a potential customer.
- Be a role model for business ethics and safety rules!
- Have fun!
Important Reminders
- Wait until the start date of the Cookie Program to begin taking pre-orders and door to door order taking with your Girl Scout.
- Parents/guardians are responsible for all products received and money due. Remember to collect a receipt each time you receive cookies or submit money.
- Check to see if Troop accepts checks.
- Turn in money to Troop by due dates.
- Troop proceeds belong to the Troop, not to individual girl members.
- Girl Scouts may email family and friends to let them know about the sale. No sales may be conducted over an internet website.
Information Every Parent Needs to Know
- Parents and guardians guide Girl Scouts when making individual goals.
- Parents and guardians determine the number of cookies to order and are responsible for payment of all products received.
- Parents are responsible for all money collected from customers.
- Troops set group goals and order products to meet their goals. Parents and guardians are asked to respect the troop goals when making decisions about how many cookies they will be responsible for selling.
- Troops may not set quotas for individual Girl Scouts.
- Troops may not require payment from parents in advance.
Ways You Can Support Your Girl Scout
- Support your Girl Scout by reviewing the Family Guide. The Family Guide provides all the information you need to know about the Cookie Program.
- Parents and Guardians are required to sign and return the parent responsibility form and permission slips promptly to their Troop Leader/Troop Cookie Coordinator.
- Help your Girl Scout network with family and friends, but empower her to “ask” embrace entrepreneurship.
- Help your Girl Scout arrange taking orders at your place of work (but only to employees, not customers), place of worship, etc.
- Offer to be a Troop Helper at booth sales!
- Allow your Girl Scout to do things for themselves.
- Set up a cookie stand in front of your OC residential property.
How the Cookie Program builds a Girl Scouts self esteem
Participating in the Girl Scout Cookie Program builds self-esteem, and teaches Girl Scouts valuable life skills of Goal Setting, Decision Making, Money Management, People Skills, and Business Ethics.
Our Girl Scout Cookie Program is way more than a fundraiser.
The Cookie Program is a fun way for girls of all ages to
power their dreams and gain hands-on leadership and
entrepreneurial experience.
Have any questions on how the Cookie Program works? You can reach out to your Troop Leader, Troop Cookie Coordinator or the Customer Care team at Girl Scouts of Orange County. You can email the Customer Care team to learn your Troop Leader or Troop Cookie Coordinator’s contact information. To email Customer Care email: You can also call our Council Headquarters at 949-461-8800.