Embrace Possibility with cookie rewards voting!

The 2025 Cookie Program theme is Embrace Possibility, and the animal mascot is the panda!

At Council, we want to know what Reward options interest you. Girl Scouts can click the button below to vote on possible cookie rewards today!

Voting ends July 25, 2024

Please note, items/experiences on the survey are not guaranteed to be offered as a Cookie Program reward.

Camp Scherman Reward

New Girl Reward Option! 

We are excited to announce that Girl Scouts of Orange County has just added an additional reward choice for the 2024 Cookie Program. Girl Scouts that reach the 4000+ reward level will have the option to select between $200 Cookie Dough or a special summer session at Camp Scherman*.

This exclusive Girl Scout – only** Camp Scherman reward experience will take place July 15-19, 2024.

*Please note this experience is non-transferable and cannot be substituted for a different Camp Scherman session. Qualifying girls that are unable to attend will receive $200 in Cookie Dough, which is the alternative reward for the 4000+ level.

**This reward opportunity is for the Girl Scout only. If a Girl Scout Daisy achieves the 4000+ cookie level, an adult chaperone (age 21+) will be required to attend, participate, and partner with the camp staff. If you or your Girl Scout of any age level does not feel comfortable attending camp, we suggest choosing the Cookie Dough alternative.