7 Tips for Selling in the Rain

Selling cookies in the rain can be a bit challenging, but it’s also a great opportunity to show your determination and creativity! Here are some tips for Girl Scouts to stay positive and sell cookies even when the weather isn’t cooperating: 

1. Dress for Success! 
Tip: Wear waterproof gear like rain jackets, ponchos, and rain boots. Don’t forget an umbrella to keep you dry and to make your booth feel cozy and welcoming! 
Why: Staying comfortable will help you feel more confident and keep you focused on your sales. 

2. Use Social Media to Spread the Word 
Tip: Post on social media to let people know where you’ll be selling in the rain. You can also promote how fun it is to support Girl Scouts in any weather! “Rain or shine! It’s Cookie Time!” 
Why: Social media is a great way to reach people who might not want to go out in the rain but would be happy to order online or visit your booth if they know where to find you. 

3. Keep Your Cookies Protected 
Tip: Store the cookies in waterproof bins or containers and cover them with plastic tarps or tablecloths if you’re outside. 
Why: You don’t want to risk your cookies getting soggy or damaged! Keeping them dry ensures they stay in perfect condition for your customers. 

4. Always Bring an Adult Helper, and maybe a Girl Scout buddy 
Tip: If you’re out in the rain, it’s always a good idea to bring a buddy to help out! A parent or friend can hold the umbrella, set up the booth, or keep you company. 
Why: Having extra hands will make the experience more fun, and you can take turns selling to make sure you stay fresh and energized! 

5. Be Enthusiastic and Show Your Determination 
Tip: Stay positive and enthusiastic—even if the weather isn’t great. Smile and tell potential customers how excited you are to offer them delicious cookies, rain or shine! 
Why: Your positive energy will be contagious, and customers will appreciate your hard work and dedication, especially in the rain. 

6. Use Rain as a Fun Selling Point 
Tip: Embrace the rain and have fun with it! Create a fun slogan like “Don’t let the rain stop you from getting your favorite cookies!” or “Sweet treats to brighten up a rainy day!” 
Why: Turning the rain into a selling point can make people smile and want to support you even more! 

7. Stay Safe 
Tip: Always be mindful of slippery surfaces, and make sure your booth is set up safely. If the weather gets too severe, don’t hesitate to pack up early and come back another day. 
Why: Safety is the top priority! Be sure to check the forecast and stay aware of any storm warnings. 

With these tips, you’ll be able to keep selling cookies confidently even on rainy days. Plus, your perseverance will definitely impress customers and help you reach your cookie-selling goals! 

Cookie Support: Upcoming Dates

The Cookie Program has begun with Girl Scouts taking Cookie pre-orders online and in person with order cards and door to door.

To learn more on timely Cookie Program Topics Troop Cookie Coordinators (TCC) can join Council Staff for virtual Cookie Chats via Zoom. Cookie Chats are an open forum for TCCs to ask questions on specific Cookie Chat subjects.

Click the links below to register for these upcoming TCC Cookie Chats!

1/15/25 – Troop Cookie Chat: Cookie Pick up and Distribution
1/28/25 – Troop Cookie Chat: Booth Sales and Troop First Payment
2/19/25 – Troop Cookie Chat: GSUSA Booth Finder and Girl Rewards Feature
3/12/25 – Troop Cookie Chat: Troop End of Program Processing

Happy New Year!

We hope all of you had a wonderful, joyous and safe holiday season. 

Welcome to the 2025 Cookie Program!  Here you will find important details and quick links to get you started for the upcoming cookie season.    

Digital Cookie – Launch emails begin Jan. 9 

Digital Cookie is the business center for our Girl Scout Cookie Bosses!  Girl Scouts are encouraged to update their online Digital Cookie account in preparation for online selling to begin on Tuesday, January 14th.  Girls can set goals, upload and share videos with their customers, take and track customer cookie orders, view recognitions and achievements, and much more.  Have your Girl Scout prepare her online Digital Cookie account today! See more tips for getting started in Digital Cookie in the Family Guide or with the Tip Sheets on http://gscookiesetc.org/cookies/ 

Cookie Program Begins Jan. 14 

The first day of the Cookie Program is Tuesday, January 14th. This is when pre-orders begin with order cards, door to door, and online order taking. Remember, cookie deliveries and in-hand sales will begin on January 26th.  

Ask A Cookie Boss: 

Senior from Troop 6046, Kayla T shared: 

“I learned that to be a successful Girl Scout seller, I needed to ask for the sale with charisma. Throughout this season I developed a set of cookie-selling guidelines for myself to appeal to customers. Some of these guidelines include warmly greeting customers while maintaining eye contact with a genuine smile, gracefully handling rejections with cookie share and donation options, informing non-cash prospects about other payment options, and strategically upselling specific flavors to move certain cookies that I have more inventory of. Two golden rules really helped with my cookie selling. The first golden rule was to be polite no matter if a sale was made. The second golden rule was to practice exceptional customer service.”  

Want to be featured in an upcoming week? Share your advice with us! We want to hear from you about your ideas, sales techniques, and expertise in the Cookie Program.   

Warm Wishes for a Wonderful Holiday Season!

We want to express our gratitude to all of the incredible
Girl Scouts, families, and volunteers who make our council so special!

Girl Scouts, your courage, kindness, and achievements inspire us every day. Too all Volunteers, your time and leadership create opportunities for Girl Scouts to grow and succeed. And to the families, your support helps make everything possible. Together, you all play an important role in helping Girl Scouts thrive!

Thank you for everything you do, we look forward to the exciting adventures the new year will bring. Wishing you all a joyful and happy holiday season. Thank you for being such an important part of our Girl Scout community!

GSOC Council Offices, Properties, and Shop will be closed from Thursday, December 19th, 2024, through January 5th, 2025. The Council Offices will resume regular operations on Monday January 6th, 2025. The Shop will re-open on Tuesday, January 7th, 2025.

The Countdown Begins!

2025 is almost here, and that means the Cookie Program is right around the corner! Are you ready?

Register for the Cookie Kickoff – January 12
Come and join hundreds of sister Girl Scouts at a cookie rally to kickoff a great cookie season! Learn about the Girl Scout Cookie Program; discover new and proven cookie selling techniques, stock up on cookie supplies at the Girl Scout shop, and more! The Cookie Kickoff is for everyone: Juliettes, troops, leaders, families, parent/girl teams, and volunteers. Click here to register today!

Cookie Program Support During the Holidays
There are many resources on this site to answer your Cookie Program questions, click here to see all the Cookie Program resources we have to offer. The Family Guide has all the information you need as a Girl Scout family. For Troops, the Troop Plan Book will include steps that will help you throughout the Cookie Program. Troops can also reach out to their Service Unit Cookie Manager for assistance during our holiday break. Council staff will return on Monday, January 6, 2025.

Upcoming Office and Shop Closures for Winter Break
GSOC Council Offices, Properties, and Shop will be closed from Thursday, December 19th, 2024, through January 5th, 2025. The Council Offices will resume regular operations on Monday January 6th, 2025. The Shop will re-open on Tuesday, January 7th, 2025.

The Cookie Program is coming!

The 2024 Cookie Program is approaching fast!  Here you will find important details and quick links to get you started for the upcoming cookie season.   

We’re excited to kick off a brand-new segment of our Cookie News: “Ask a Cookie Boss”, where Girl Scouts share their best tips for Cookie Program success! This exciting feature will spotlight advice, tips, and tricks straight from Girl Scouts who have mastered the art of cookie entrepreneurship. Each week, these Cookie Bosses will share their best strategies to help inspire and support fellow Girl Scouts on their journey to reach their goals. 

Want to be featured in an upcoming week? Share your advice with us

Ask a Cookie Boss 
This week, Junior from Troop 9547 Alexis K. suggests: 

Make a video to share with your customers! It’s a great way to show them what you’re doing in Girl Scouts. Here’s a hint—send a thank-you video to your Fall Product customers or last year’s cookie customers to thank them for their support. This reminds them that you’re a Girl Scout and helps them think of you when it’s time to sell cookies! 

See Alexis’ thank you video to her customers here and help your Cookie Boss submit their own advice. Stay tuned for more advice from our Cookie Bosses! 

*Holiday Council Closure Girl Scouts of Orange County’s offices and Shop will be closed for the holidays from December 19th – January 5th. See your Plan Book for guidance during the holiday break. Happy Holidays! 

This Thanksgiving We’re Thankful for YOU! 🍁

Happy Thanksgiving from all of us at Girl Scouts of Orange County! As we gather to celebrate and reflect, we’re especially grateful for our amazing Girl Scouts, families, and volunteers.

Getting Ready for Cookie Season
As we prepare for the 2025 Cookie Program, let’s take a moment to celebrate all the opportunities ahead. This cookie season, we’ll embrace possibility together, building skills, setting goals, and making a difference in our communities.

The upcoming weeks are a great time to check off your preparation list:

  • Complete the Cookie Caregiver training.
  • Set Cookie Goals with your Girl Scout.
  • Have your Girl Scout practice their pitch by sharing goals with friends and family.
  • Get familiar with the cookie lineup for 2025.
  • Looking for more resources? Visit gscookiesetc.org/cookies.

Cookie Program Fun Fact: Did you know? The Cookie Program, which is the largest girl-led entrepreneurial program in the world, allows troops and councils to deliver extraordinary experiences for Girl Scouts—sparking excitement, fostering connection, and guiding them as they navigate their journey. Cookie proceeds support incredible service projects and help ensure Girl Scouting remains affordable for all families.

Girl Scouts, Juliettes and Cookie Kickoff !

The Cookie Program is coming starting January 14, 2025, with pre-orders online and in person with order cards and door to door order taking.

Here are 3 reminders to prepare you for the upcoming Cookie Program:

Girl Scouts: For the latest information and updates on the Cookie Program, check out the Cookie News for Girl Scout Families. Click HERE for the most up-to-date details. Registered Girl Scouts will begin receiving Cookie Program materials, including order cards, in early January 2025.

Juliettes: Registered Juliette Girl Scouts who would like to participate in the 2025 Cookie Program must complete the 2025 Juliette Cookie Program registration form by clicking HERE. For information and the most up-to-date news for Juliette families, click HERE.

2025 Cookie Kickoff Event: We’d love for you to join us at the Cookie Kickoff, an event where troops, Girl Scouts, and families can come together for some fun and learn all about the upcoming Cookie Program! It’s happening on Sunday, January 12, 2025, and we can’t wait to see you there. Sign up today by clicking HERE!

Cookie Caregiver Training

Get ready to support your Girl Scout in the 2025 Cookie Program! Learn more about your role as the Caregiver to a Cookie Entrepreneur by completing this short training. Click Here for Cookie Caregiver Training in English.

Haz clic aquí para acceder al entrenamiento en español (Cookie Caregiver Training in Spanish)

Cookie Program 2025

GSOC is happy to share some exciting highlights for the 2025 Cookie Program! Click the button below to learn more about the 2025 Cookie Highlights and make sure to save the dates now.

Volunteers, get ready for the Cookie Program by recruiting your Cookie Team! Help and support is always needed during the Cookie Program. Click the flyers below to learn more on how to recruit your Service Unit Cookie Team and Join a Troop Cookie Team.