Digital Cookie Updates

Digital Cookie is a new platform here at the Girl Scouts of Orange County Council. As brand-new updates and known issues occur check here for the latest.

Known Issues

We are aware of this as a known issue and GSUSA is evaluating and working to resolve this issue in Digital Cookies. Please see our Product Program website for more Digital Cookie known issues and tips

We are aware that some users have been experiencing a delay in the status from “queued” to “sent” on the marketing email in their customer list. GSUSA actively has a fix in development and is working to resolve as soon as possible

GSUSA is aware that customers may have difficulty completing checkout due to Captcha loading errors. A fix is currently in development, but a possible workaround in the meantime is having the customer reload the page or clear cashe to resolve these Captcha issues.

It has come to our attention that transfers are not always syncing properly on our two cookie platforms. The troop to girl transfers are not always syncing from ABC to Digital Cookie. ABC is aware of this issue and working on resolving. We are also aware that Donation only orders are not transferring completely from Digital Cookie to ABC – Digital Cookie and ABC are aware, and we are awaiting resolution

Customers can pay using Venmo or PayPal when checking out in Digital Cookie, and it functions like a credit card payment. This is designed to give customers another option to pay when they use a Girl Scout’s or troop’s link. However, Venmo and PayPal are not available on the mobile Digital Cookie app this year and is not available for transferring money to or from the parent and/or troop.

We are aware that users are experiencing a delay in updates to their progress bar and dashboard. GSUSA is investigating the issue and making progress on a solution.

We are aware that some users have reported seeing “An error has occurred” message when opening a store URL. GSUSA is aware of this issue and found that it is limited to when a user is also logged into Digital Cookie. The recommended action is to view the storefront in a different browser or log out of Digitial Cookie and clear browser cache.

We have heard that some of the orders or payments from this weekend, due to the high volume over National Girl Scout Cookie Weekend, had delays in finishing the process of capturing payment for cookies in-hand orders. GSUSA is already working on resolving this and all orders from the weekend should be processed by end of day 2/21. A plan is in place going forward to help mitigate accumulating a backlog in the future. Way to go on such a busy and successful weekend!

Digital Cookie Helpful Tips

Did you know that Digital Cookie is an awesome tool for our Girl Scout Entrepreneurs? Girl Scouts can really ‘Own their Magic’ by using Digital Cookie for their Cookie business. Look here for the latest tips, tricks and FYIs!

Did you know that Digital Cookie “talks” to our membership database and ABC Smart Cookies? These platforms all work together to help the Cookie Program run. The email that is used to register for Digital Cookie is the same email that was listed for the caregiver of the Girl Scout when completing your membership registration. If you need to change or update that email please submit a request to with the subject Caregiver Email Change.  

ABC has provided personalized QR codes and shortened URL’s. To Find them: 

    1. Log on to your Digital Cookie site 
    2. Scroll down on the dashboard until you see a section that says “My Cookie Site: Open for Business” 
    3. In that section there will be option to “copy link” or “view QR code” which can be used to help market your cookie business! 

Parents/guardians should log their Girl Scout’s “offline” sales in their girl’s Digital Cookie site for any Cookies sold using cash and turn in cash received to their troop as normal. This can be found under the “My Cookies” section on the girl’s Digital Cookie page. To enter offline sales, click the down arrow by the number of packages on the left side and open a screen to enter those sales. To see more about managing the inventory visit the Tip Sheet on  

Don’t forget to activate your troop’s cookie link in Digital Cookies. Troop Cookie Coordinators should see a section on their Troop dashboard that says “New! Troop Cookie Site”. Follow the steps and learn more on the Tip Sheet found on 

Cookie Share orders that are placed as “direct ship” in Digital Cookie, will automatically be recorded as a virtual cookie share sale in ABC Smart Cookies. For Cookie Share donation orders placed for “Girl Delivery”, these orders must be logged in ABC to give credit to the girl for the sale. If it is a “Donation only” order, meaning the customer didn’t order any additional cookies to be delivered, and only ordered Cookie Share, these should also be treated as a “Girl Delivery” and logged in ABC as done in previous years. Please see pages 8 and 36 of the Troop Plan Book for more information on logging Cookie Share orders. View your troops Digital Cookie Orders by running an “All Order Data” report for your troop in Digital Cookie. Follow the steps and learn more on page 3 of the Tip Sheet found on

Girls will not be able to access the troop login option through the mobile app until the Troop Cookie Coordinator (site lead) publishes their troop site in Digital Cookie. Troop Cookie Coordinators should see a section on their Troop dashboard that says “New! Troop Cookie Site”. Follow the steps and learn more on the Tip Sheet found on . If this site is not published, girls/caregivers will not see the dropdown to login as the troop.

When selling at a troop booth, the girl/caregiver must log-in under the Troop Profile in the Digital Cookie app when taking payments at booths and not an individual girl’s profile (see image). They can then Cookie Program Troop and Personal Accountstake and process the order as normal and then, at the end of the transaction, they will be able to choose Sold at Booth and choose the correct booth. This will credit the troop only with the transaction and not an individual girl. If the transaction is done under the girl’s profile, the girl will be credited even if they select the booth location during checkout. Learn more about logging in and taking orders in the mobile app Tip Sheet. Please note, we cannot move booth transactions from girl delivery to troop booth payment status.If you are selling from your girl’s inventory, choose your girl. If you are selling the troop inventory at a booth, then choose Troop.