Getting Started

Is your Girl Scout or Troop interested in participating in the Fall Product Program? The Fall Product Program is a great way for Troops to prepare for the upcoming Cookie Program. Participating in the Fall Program allows Troops to earn funds for their Girl Scout activities while learning key skills that will help them in business and life!

Why Should My Troop Participate in the Fall Product Program?

  1. It’s simple and easy, all ordering, payments, and training are done online!
  2. It provides your troop with funds to pay for activities and supplies. Your troop earns $1 for every nut, chocolate, and Care to Share voucher sold (Trophy Nut items). Troops will also receive $3 for every magazine, Bark Box, and Tervis tumbler (M2 Media items) sold. What a great way to get your troop up and running!
  3. It prepares girls and adults for the Cookie Program with fun skill building activities and volunteer opportunities.
  4. It supports all Orange County Girl Scouts by providing support and training for volunteers, girl leadership experiences, events and activities, safe camps, financial assistance, and more. Your troop is helping others to be Girl Scouts!
  5. Participating girls will:
    a. Create troop goals and plans for using troop proceeds as they practice their decision making, teamwork, and people skills.
    b. “Earn & Learn” – girls earn funds for their Girl Scout activities (such as camp) while learning key skills that will help them in business and life.
    c. Work towards financial literacy badges.

2024 Online Fall Product Program Key Dates

How to Get Your Troop Started

Contact your troop leaders to see if your troop has a Troop Product Coordinator, and if not, consider stepping up to this position yourself! Learn how troops can share the responsibilities to make the job easier. Troop Product Coordinator training will be available on GS Learn beginning early September 2024.

  • Troop Product Coordinators must contact their Service Unit Product Manager to be appointed and receive logins/passwords into M2OS.
  • Girl Scouts can participate individually during the Fall Product Program. Girl Scout parents/guardians can assist their Girl Scout by registering them on the M2OS site. Families can read more in the Fall Product Program Family guide for more information on how to participate individually.

Once you have a Troop Packet, partner with your troop leaders to hold a family meeting to review the Fall Product Program, talk about troop goals, and collect the signed Parent Responsibility Form (located on our resources page). More information about how to hold a family meeting is in the Troop Plan Book on page 6.

The Fall Product Program begins September 15, 2024. Girl Scouts can participate by using the M2OS custom storefront to sell magazines, nuts, chocolates and more. More information about launching her Fall Product business can be found in the Family Guide