Girl Scout Families

Girl Scout adults support their Girl Scout by guiding them through the Fall Product Program and helping them reach their entrepreneurial goals.

Parents and guardians can follow the Girl Scouts of Orange County Fall Product News for the latest updates and information on the Fall Product Program. You can receive the Fall Product News in your email or click the link below to keep up on the latest.

Girl Scout Parent/Guardian FAQ

  • Parents/Guardians/Girl Scouts will receive an email from M2 Media which will include key details about participating using the M2OS online system, including how to register, videos, and more!
  • Didn’t receive an email? Just go to and enter your information there!

Girl Scouts and adults should review the Product Sale and Online Activity Checkpoints before participating in any money earning activity, as well as any materials regarding product sale safety from their council and the vendor. Girl Scouts should print out the Internet Safety Pledge and sign it with a parent or guardian.
  • Product Sale Activity Checkpoints (PDF) – English | Spanish
  • Girl Scout Internet Safety Pledge – English | Spanish
  • Online Activity Checkpoints (PDF) – English | Spanish
  • Practical Tips for Parents (PDF) – English | Spanish

  • Microsoft IE 10+ supported
  • Microsoft Edge supported
  • Chrome supported
  • Firefox supported
  • Safari supported on MAC (not Windows)

  1. Parents/Guardians should guide their Girl Scouts when making individual sales goals.
  2. Parents are responsible for in making sure all purchased products are received by the purchasing customer.
  3. Troops get together to set group goals for the Fall Season. Adults are asked to respect the troop goals when making decisions about how many products they will be responsible for selling.
  4. Troops may not set quotas for individual Girl Scouts.
  5. Troops may not require payment from parents/guardians in advance.

  • They learn to set goals and meet deadlines. This will encourage Girl Scouts to complete school work or chores in a timely manner.
  • They learn to work well with others. Communicating with customers and other Girl Scouts teaches your Girl Scout all about building relationships.
  • Girl Scouts learn to talk and listen to all kinds of people.
  • They learn about money and make decisions about how to use it. That means your Girl Scout will learn about spending, saving, and giving to those in need.
  • Girl Scouts learn to act honestly and fairly. That means your Girl Scouts’ friends, classmates, and teachers will count on them and think of them as trustworthy.