Earn exciting new Troop rewards!

Did you know that Troops have the opportunity to earn new Troop Bonus rewards this year during the Fall Product Program?

Your Troop can early access to the Cookie Booth Scheduler, guaranteed consignment cookies AND a Troop Makerspace Event!

What is early access to the Cookie Booth Scheduler?
Troops who earn this reward will get guaranteed early access to the Cookie Booth Scheduler for the 2025 Cookie Program. Troops who earn this will have access to the Booth Scheduler 24 hours before the scheduler opens to all Troops. This is a great opportunity for Troops to get a head start in boothing!

What’s a Consignment Cookie order?
Troops can place orders of more cookies with the cupboard to sell, and return unsold cookies picked up on consignment to the cupboard. This is a great opportunity to have all the variety that you need, with no risk for the troop!

What’s Makerspace?
Have you ever wanted to invent something special? Makerspace is a safe environment for Girl Scouts to be creative and innovative, bringing their visions to life! With tools like a laser cutter, Cricut, 3D printer, telescopes, and more, you have all the support you need to craft your ideas.

Check out the flyer below to learn more and share with Girl Scouts and Troops participating in the Fall Product Program.

2024 Troop Bonus Flyer

Fall Avatar Fun

Service Units, Troops and Girl Scouts get ready for Fall fun!

Did you know that Girl Scouts get to create their own personal and unique avatar when they participate in the Fall Product Program?

They do! An avatar is a digital character or image that represents your Girl Scout in their online store. Girl Scouts can choose hair, eye color, clothes, accessories and more to personalize their avatar in the M2OS Fall system.

Fall Avatar Fun

Service Units and or Troops can start having Avatar Parties when the program begins on September 15, 2024. The avatar party is a fun and easy way to get your troop together. Reach out to your Service Unit Product Manager or Troop Product Coordinator to start planning your party today.

The avatar party is fun and optional!
Avatar parties are not mandatory for Girl Scout, Troop or Service Unit activity.

Get ready Troops!

Did you know that every year Troops who participate in the Fall Product or Cookie Program are required to submit a Troop Banking Form?

It’s easy to submit your Troop Banking form! Click the link to submit your Troop’s banking form today.

To learn about the Girl Scouts of Orange County’s Policies and Standards and Troop Finances, click the links below.